To avoid loosing the script I use to build Qt 5 on Windows, here is the latest version I’m using. Note that I’m compiling using Visual Studio 2019 and I disable things I don’t need to try to minimize build time.
Edit 2019-10-17: Removed accessibility and harfbuzz
@echo off :: :: Configure Visual Studio 2019 Community for x64 build. :: call "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64 :: :: Set Qt directory and set it as the current one. :: set QT_DIR=C:\Development\Libs\Qt\5.13.1 pushd "%QT_DIR%\Src" :: :: Configure Qt :: call configure -release ^ -static ^ -opensource -confirm-license ^ -prefix "%QT_DIR%/static" ^ -platform win32-msvc ^ -mp ^ -c++std c++17 ^ -no-accessibility ^ -no-icu ^ -no-harfbuzz ^ -nomake examples ^ -nomake tests ^ -skip qtwebengine ^ -skip qt3d :: :: Build and install :: nmake nmake install :: :: Restore the previous working directory :: popd